Katie Davenport

Costume & Set Designer

Katie Davenport is a set and costume designer based in Dublin.She won the Irish Times Theatre Award for Best Costume Design in 2021.Katie has created scenography for many major theatre, opera and dance companies in Ireland, including the Abbey and Gate Theatres, Irish National Opera, Landmark Productions, United Fall, Liz Roche Company, CoisCéim, Northern Ireland Opera, Theatre Lovett, Thisispopbaby and Rough Magic.

She recently created the installation “Pegeen’s“ – a pop up theatre café at the Abbey Theatre – and collaborated with Emma Martin on an art installation KING|SHRINE at Visual Centre for Contemporary Art, Carlow.

She is Vice-Chair of the Irish Society of Performance Designers and was Designer in Residence at the Gate Theatre in 2017. She previously represented Ireland at the Prague Quadrennial in 2019 and in Beijing NCPA at Evolving Design for Performance in 2016.

In 2020 she participated in a cross-disciplinary group, Studio Interruptions, curated by Irish Museum of Modern Art and Project Arts Centre, and contributed work to the publication Lights, Music, Exit. She has recently archived her set and costume work in Archive #1 [2016-2021] and is currently in residence at the Dean Art Studios in Dublin.

