ISPD welcomes designers and allied practitioners working on a professional basis in theatre, film and television, and in related performance-based areas.
We also offer membership to students, recent graduates and retired practitioners of these disciplines, as well as to sectoral professionals.
ISPD offers four categories of membership:
- Professional (practitioners with at least three years professional practice)
- Student (persons enrolled in a recognised third level design programme, providing an electronic copy of Student ID).
- Graduate (persons who have successfully completed a recognised third level design programme with three years or less of professional practice).
- Associate (sectoral professionals).
If you wish to become a member, please fill out this form and we will get back to you within two weeks. Please, note that all membership requests have to be approved by the committee.
Be acknowledged professionally through a nationally and internationally recognised representative body. Be an active participant in a professional collective with shared interests and concerns. Initiate/attend ISPD's events. Participate in ISPD's exhibitions and have your work represented in accompanying catalogues. Create a professional profile on ISPD's website. Avail of ISPD's Resources such as sKēnographia masterclasses. Access ISPD's Membership Area.
• Submit 3, 6 or 9 high res photos of designs you’d like to feature on your profile. One photograph per production (min 1200 pixels width & ideally 300dpi). Please, name each photo with your name and the title of the show, ie: Niamh_Byrne_Carmen_1.jpeg.
• Submit a text document where you list the credits for each photo / production including: Title, Company, Venue, Year, Creatives (director/choreographer + designers) and Photographer.
• If you wish to feature a video or sound file, please, send us a YouTube/Vimeo link or a Soundcloud/Spotify, so we can embed them on your profile page.
• A short bio (300 – 500 words max).
• If you wish to feature your website, social media handles and/or contact email address, please include those as well.
• Indicate whether you would like us to share your profile on our social media networks (Instagram, Facebook & Twitter).
• Indicate if you allow us to share your contact details on the website (email address, phone, etc.) or privately with any professional companies or institutions that might be interested in your profile (we get emails sometimes requesting contact details for designers).
Please understand that we work on a volunteer basis so it might take a while for your profile to be uploaded or upgraded (usually within a week once we receive your info).
• We will add your profile to the relevant section, ie: professional, graduate /student or associate.
• We will update your profile whenever you send us new information and documentation.
• We will share your approved profile on our social media networks (Instagram, Facebook & Twitter) if you have granted us permission. We believe it is a great way to get your work out there, but you might not want to use these platforms… and that’s ok! Just let us know.
• We will pass on your details to any professional company, institution, venue, etc. that contacts us directly to enquire about your services (if you have granted us permission to do so).
Your password to the website’s membership area will be printed on your invoice’s receipt, under our signature.