Bridget  Dhuinn

Set and Stage Designer for Theatre, Film & Spectacle

Bridget  Dhuinn is a set and costume designer working across the disciplines of film, theater and spectacle. She holds a first class honors degree in design for stage and screen from the Institute of Art, Design and Technology in Dún Laoghaire.

Previously based in Taiwan she immersed herself in the world of dance, theater and carnival, working with a range of artists and performers from various cultures and backgrounds. These experiences left a unique and valuable impact on her artistic style and mindset which she integrates into her current work.

Since returning to Ireland Bridget has collaborated on a range of projects, she is based between Kilkenny and Galway where she works with companies such as Macnas alongside creating and producing her own work. Her dedication and passion lies in the world of live performance for site specific and stage based theater.

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