ISPD’s 2024 AGM will take place on Saturday 27th January at The Lir, 16.30-18.00.

This time we have limited capacity, as the only space available at The Lir is the seminar room. Also, we have to arrange tea & coffee, so we would be very grateful if you could RSVP here.

For those who cannot attend in person, please, find here the Zoom link.

Please, note that for security purposes, it requires registration to access it.

Thanks and see you there!

Committee Open Positions to be voted at the AGM

After four years serving as Chair and Vice-Chair, Catherine Fay and Katie Davenport are stepping down. We would like to express our sincere gratitude for all their excellent work leading the society during their tenure.

Committee members Lisa Krugel and John Gunning are also stepping aside and we are also immensely grateful for their brilliant contribution to the society.

Consequently, these positions are now open. If anyone would like to put themselves forward for any of them, please let us know at communications[at], or contact a member of the committee directly. As per our constitution, these new roles will be elected during our AGM via democratic vote.